Monday, December 31, 2012

its nice having a member of the bar handling my social security case compared to one who just swings for a homerun :-)
sooner or later im gonna wanna get married and the less financial baggage I have the better :-)
in eleven months ill be free and clear to open a new checking account :-) ill stick with the credit union as they charge a lot less money :-)
JEHOVAH gives me the strength to appeal :-)
the more I appeal the more the agency I appeal against hates me :-) oh well :-)
I plan to stay in the house and save what little money I have :-)
keep it breakin :-)
I enjoy taking secret bullies to town all day and errrr day :-)
so the abuser who cloaked in sheeps clothing will basically hold your family hostage if you dont give them control over you :-)
I see all forms of abuse on a day to day basis :-)
of abuse :-)
for the most part they all fear eachother :-) if you make one mad theyll threaten to alienate you from another family member :-) its just another form
im just speaking on what I see :-)
weapon in hopes theyll control another :-)
there are some of my brothers and sisters who feel there way of life is the best way of living :-) in a way they turn there fear of widening out in to a
mmmm a candy filled pattern of communication :-)
shallow :-)
some people have the nerve to try and hit on you when your on your feet but when your down and out they throw there nose up @ you :-) shallow I tell you
if your goal is to be rich youll never be satisfied with what you have :-)
it seems there abusive ways are just the half of it :-)
there are those who hide behind Jehovahs great name as they try to bully another out of the truth :-)
as a whole a healthy individual is happier than a sick individual :-)
every thing about JEHOVAH is perfect :-)
it feels good to be loved :-)
I use every penny I find to pay off my debt :) its not much but it helps :)
good morning friends :-)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

im close to 245 ibs of rock hard muscle!!! thats 245 ibs of bully proof security!!!!
there was a time when you would call someone and you would get a busy signal :-)
the gym owner is more shallow then shallow water :-) shes all like your muscles scare people and im "yeah whats your point?" :-)
im building my muscle to save those who run from the school bullies :-)
its straight out selfish to ignore those who honestly try to get to know you :-)
its about that time to get buff :-)
they keep telling me how they hate big muscles yet they cant stop staring :-) huh :-)
were on the trail of the school bully :-)
as a whole those who are racist take key qualities from other races and make it there own :-)
many men and women fear another who has a mental illness :-)
I must say having muscle gets your foot in door except with women who need to see a therapist :-)
sunshine is healthy to your body :-)
good morning friends :-)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

dont let people take there pain out on you :-)
I have a bite for personal training!! either they want me to build them up or cut me up in 2 little pieces :-) ahhh yes the joy of :-)
if someone asks me where some thing is and I tell them but they cant find it I find it for them so theyll leave me alone :-)
gettin buff!!!!! :)
now since im represented in the social security aspect I can move on to the SCHOOL BULLY :-)
@ least you have a blueprint as to how the appeals process works :-)
it stands to say when you do your homework you win :-) I spent hours looking for a lawyer only to be turned down by many :-)
abuser :-)
the newyork lawyers handling my case take a tag team approach :-) one plays the offense as the other play defense :-) when combined they over power the
im not saying ill win my social security case but I have a chance with JEHOVAH standing behind me :-)
I now have a strong law firm behind me :) its NEW YORK VS THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!!!
and believe me theres a lot of people who view being abused as a normal part of life :-)
I avoid those who like being abused :-)
off to the moon I go :-) tootles :-)
who knew drinking koolaid would give you super powers? :)
I look foward to living forever in perfect health :)
eating a healthy diet will help your body create a healthy scent that will attract others :)
everybody say koolaid!!!! :-)
good morning friends :-)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

good night friends :-)
are you BREAKIN UP? :-)
as satan and his demons are spiritual darkness also are those who put the world first and JEHOVAH GOD second :-)
and sadly thats what I once thought :-)
my bible reading and stopped praying to JEHOVAH GOD :-)
how foolish it would be of me to think that I know everything about jehovah and in doing so stopped going to meetings, going in,the ministry, stop doing
it may not happen as soon I want it to but in due time JEHOVAH answers my prayers :-)
they tell me no and I plead my case to JEHOVAH GOD :-)
a majority of people give up on social security which is exactly what the federal government wants you to do :-)
a majority of people give up on social security which is exactly what the federal government wants you to do :-)
it takes a tough team of attorneys to push back against the federal government who refuses to help you when you need it :-)
I live the high life by making what costs and arm and a leg myself so I can save money and look good doing it :)
a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders by having a strong smart lawfirm handling my social security case :-) im not saying ill win but I have a c
hance :-)
it looks like there true abusive colors are coming out :-) go figure :-)
with that being said I still love you :-)
no im not tired :-) im exhausted :-)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

im not tired :-) after all the appeals, after all the fighting, after all the sorrow I have to keep going :-) Jehovah will carry me the rest of the way :-)
I found a law firm that will,take my social security case :-) im not saying ill win but its better then standing out in the cold :-)
its good to share :-)
good morning friends :-)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

but ill tell you this I wont take it out on the next pretty eyed woman :-)
she almost cut my hair and made me weak like samson but JEHOVAH GOD has my back through his son jesus christ :-)
the more muscular I become the more abusive people attack me :-) huh :-)
pivot step pivot step until you tire abuse out :-)
JEHOVAH GOD is peachy :-)
bulls eye :-)
I look inward so I can fix the outward problem :-)
only 20 cents left in your savings account? thatll get you a packet of koolaid!!! play it cool and grab some sugar packets from kwik trip and your set :)
my goal is to help you recover from your abusive lifestyle :-)
it helps to learn from your past experiences so you hopefully dont repeat them :-)
and I used to be addicted to porn :( it crippled every thing around me :(
it would be a nightmare to be a pornstar :( stds and repressed memories would control your life :-)
im a bodybuilder by nature & teacher through heart what ever that means lol :-)
a healthy diet will help you stop the school bully in his/her tracks :-)
if people dont respect you after 2 years of them knowing you and your not abusive than there probably stuck in there ways :-)
im working my way out of debt and it actually feels good to do it :-)
its a waste of time to be someone your not in hopes youll be accepted by others :-)
plans are already being made to crown the next prom queen :-)
what you thought I was joking when I said stop the bully? :-)
im bout to put it down for them BREAKIN BOYS AND GIRLS :-)
its hard for a hustler in mankato mn :-)
there are those who claim to serve the true god JEHOVAH who are nothing more than spiritual BULLIES :-)
good morning friends :-)

Monday, December 24, 2012

there was a time when people actually had to know how to act in order to be in a movie :-) now its all glitz & glamour :-)
keep your guard up @ all times :-)
its an abusive world :-)
my goal is to save you from your abuser with JEHOVAH GODS help through his son jesus christ :-)
my goal is to save you from your abuser with JEHOVAH GODS help through his son jesus christ :-)
your past memories of abuse can be used to help you navigate through the maze another is now lost in :-)
abuse comes wrapped in a pretty package :-)
I bought some acidolphilus pills to help break up all the food I eat to gain muscle in order that I may protect the abused :-)
you seem blue heres some HOT CHOCOLATE :-)
it feels good to be LOVED :-) I love you :-)
skittles and rootb33r!!!! yummmmm :-)
but to smell healthy you have to EAT HEALTHY :-) EWWW you say? :-)
smelling healthy is highly attractive :-)
usually when a abusive relationship fails the question asked by the abuser is what did I do wrong? :-)
the dark knight rises will work :-)
what to do what to do :-)
will you teached me 2's wead? :-)
there are those who like being abused :-) I dont stand in there way @s its between them & there abuser that there oddly in love with :-)
needless to say some people are just straight up lazy to the point every thing about them is dirty :-)
who knew a floor could be so dirty it would take a whole bottle of fantastick cleaner to solve the problem? :-)
BOOYAA!!!!!!!!!! :-)
I speak of these things in hopes youll avoid abusive people :-)
beware of those who try to abuse you in hopes theyll weaken you in hopes theyll be able to control you :-)
im keeping my credit card limit @ 200 dollars so it doesnt get out of control :-)
heres a tip :-) know one in there right mind wants to date someone whos abusive :-) who wants to deal with someone elses baggage? :-)
if you dont be yourself than your stuck with the "i wanna fit in syndrome"
east :-)
there are men & women whos looks will make you melt :-) than they open there mouth and there looks wither away to reveal a old hag from beauty and the b
the bad thing about porn is that the woman you love will think shes not sexy to you anymore :-)
some times youll run into shallow men & woman who have it going on except a loving personality :-)
long story short id rather be lonely than be ABUSED :-)
also avoid the woman who cant handle rejection :-) there the ones who will tie you up and make you watch jerry springer all day :-)
avoid the psychotic immature woman who run to there parents when you refuse to date and or marry them :-)
I try to avoid making myself undateable by showering, brushing my teeth, and flossing daily as well as wearing clean clothes with some old spice swagger :-)
its hard to find a healthy woman to love :-) most women ( & men) are so abused starting relationship begins with a therapy session :-)
so here I am back @ square 1 looking for a hot thing I can be like daaaaaaaamn 2 :-)
I can see it now :-) me telling her that I love her and her speaking abusivly of me :-) its obvious no mans ever told her they love her before :-)
mankato west highschool) :-)
soooooo now I avoid her by not even going to the store that she works @ unless I have to which will remain nameless (cub foods in mankato, mn across from
she was trying to play me for a fool with the end result being her pointing her finger @ me while she laughs loudly :-)
face :-)
I use to always tell I girl I loved her and she did the same :-) I stopped however when after I told her that I love her a wide grin flashed across her
good morning friends :-)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

JEHOVAH keeps satan from whipping me on my back :-)
its motown baby :-)
JEHOVAHS got me :-)
ahhhhhh peace loving hippies :-)
I like to rip out the perfume samples from cosmopolitan and hang them on my wall :-) I get a 360 degree of loving scents :-)
I think ill bust out some ninja turtle back flips :-)
sippin on caramel sizzurp :-) im a boss!!! :-)
and done :-) thats 18 laps around my bed :-) next :-)
this aint half bad :-) I used coffee, whole milk, and caramel syrup :-) soon ill be texting a zillion words a second!!! jive :-)
texting is sweeter than a caramel frappe :-)
I make myself invisible in a sense to abusive people as I stay away from them to the point they wonder where I am :-)
abuse is senseless :-)
just because you dont serve the true god JEHOVAH doesnt mean you dont have feelings :-)
when you STAND FIRM against abusive people they band together in hopes they destroy you :-)
its simple :-) those who turn there back on me when they turn around will see a muscular back staring back @ them :-)
believe it or not there are many people who act mentally ill that havent been and refuse to see a mental health provider :-)
being part of the popular crowd is as simple as smiling and saying hello :-)
lets get this party started!!! :-)
soon I shall take my place before JEHOVAH THE HAPPY GOD :-)
610 ibs on squats will make you stronger then your abuser :-)

Friday, December 21, 2012

im working my behind off to find a lawyer who will take my social security case :-)
the grass is always greener on the other side :-)
dont waste your time trying to get people to like you :-) its like chasing after the wind :-)
gettin buff!!! :-)
instead of seeing yourself in a whole why not see yourself as climbing out? :-)
if they cant beat you theyll try to weaken you with unhealthy scents released by there body :-)
but the way theyll spin it theyll try to make themselves look like the victim :-) typical bully for ya :-)
these jobs that were busy wasting my time only to deny me will get bit in the behind by there own games :-)
to the breakin of abuse :-)
hoody hooooooo :-)
so drink up :-)
kool aid is full of sugary love :-)
good morning friends :-)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

wwwwwww :-)
who knew some people would stick there finger all the way up there nose only to think the remains they wipe on the car seat go unnoticed :-) eeewwwwwwww
some people are known for burning there own bridges by there deceitful ways :-) woa to themselves :-)
the more people play games the more they lose :-)
its attractive to take care of yourself :-)
I hope that cures your blues :-)
I love you :-)
the same thing that makes you sad & also the reason you stay is you view abuse as love :-) you should see a therapist :-)
all these political shows do is try to strike fear in you with every word that leaves there mouth :-)
good morning friends :-)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

to be loved? :-)
so how does it feel? :-)
soon youll be talking about your abusive relationship in the past tense :-)
me need spell check :-)
the party ends when your colleg tuition check bounces :-)
I avoid abusive people so I can also avoid the evil people they surround themselves with :-)
and the only word that associated itself with me was lonely :-)
believe me I know I use to be abusive :-)
abuse is a RED FLAG that wont even get you to the bench :-)
THEM @ all costs :-)
anyone who doesnt take a shower, brush there teeth, or wash there clothes has a cycle of dirty dish water flowing through there mind :-) STAY AWAY FROM
I tell you this in hope they dont break your heart through there abusive actions :-)
sadly many people go to war against those who love them in hopes they can break them :-) Draw the line against them and leave them :-)
look through the yearbook photo and youll see a individual who hates the monster within :-)
when I catch wind of someone trying to play me for a fool I stop talking to them as I watch there abusive words fall on deaf ears :-)
when I catch wind of someone trying to play me for a fool I stop talking to them as I watch there abusive words fall on deaf ears :-)
Jehovah god has helped me master the game of being played by deceit through his word the bible :-) you should read it :-) its full of TREASURE :-)
ose of falling in love dont you think? :)
im not saying its right but I can see someone deceiving the one who wants affection from there loved one but deceiving one who loves you defeats the purp
themselves :-)
there plan is to lead you on until you get to the point where they can point and laugh @ you to make themselves feel better for being pointed & laughed @
when starting courtship with another youll burn your own bridge fast by being deceitful :-)
see the thing is we see your abusive ways hidden in wolves clothing and the only person your fooling is yourself :-)
I love your caring personality :-)
its a waste of time to be full of hate :-)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

youll be surprised how attractive people become when they regularly use a bar of soap and a toothbrush with toothpaste :-)
when they ask me how im doing I tell them im simply surviving :-)

Monday, December 17, 2012

I love you :-)
dont let your guard down as theres abusive people all around you :-)
im gonna recharge my energizer bunny batteries @ JEHOVAH GODS house of worship :-)
ironic how people will think there the slicket people in the world until they get conned themselves :-) fools :-)
Break abuse ya dig? :)
My love for you isnt just a dream sung by that dude named nelly :-)
Its attractive to smell healthy :-)
I love mn snow bunnies :-)
There are those who crongratulate another for being abusive :-) Sad I know :-)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The problem I see with some interacial children is they dont know who too take sides with :-) maybe they should try taking sides with JEHOVAH? :-)
That way you know where things are when you need them :-)
Its good to be organized :-)
Too much is never a good thing :-)
Trust is a healthy value to have amongst yourself :-)
Abusive patterns are more controversial then the 1980 mr olympia contest :-)
Abusive patterns are more controversial then the 1980 mr olympia contest :-)
I quickly cut loose those who try to decieve me and lead me to abusive individuals :-)
If they dont take care of there own house why would they take care of yours? :-)
The problem with living with people is that theyll try take advantage of you by having you clean things that you would normally be paid for :-)
Or there like hey blackey where are you going? In reply I say to get you a book :-)
Funny how an ignorant racist people are. When they tell me im black its usually followed by color is black? :-)
Its good to smile :-)
Good morning friends :-)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

I Love You :-)
Jehovah treats me good and would treat you the same if you would just give him a chance :-)
Ahhhhh how I love kool-aid :-)
Im keeping my nose to the grindstone :-)
If I need to file my case in district court the worse that can happen is they can dismiss my case and I have to start all over :-)
Good morning friends :-)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Stand firm :-)
They can speak abusively of me from the outside looking in :-)
I refuse to let people talk abusively about me and still think ill associate with them :-)
Listening to Jehovah has saved me from the heartbreak of not listening to him :-)
Soooo ive been on both sides of emotions game and what I learned is that Love isnt abusive but foolishness is :-)
Its abusive to play with a persons emotions :-)
I love you :-)
Thats what the gym owner told me :-) she said it startles people as im thinking to myself them startled boss :-)
No grunting @ the gym? Say what? :)
Time to get buff!!! :-)
Id rather spend my last few dollars on a bar of irish spring soap besides anything else :-)
See im a romantic and any sign of abusive patterns and I run the other way :-)
See im a romantic and any sign of abusive patterns and I run the other way :-)
We all have weaknesses :-) its those who try to control you with them that you should avoid :-)
Look there goal (the abuser) is to get walked all over just like them :-) Scandalous I tell you scandalous :-)
Funny how abusive people try to hurt me then be my friend :-) they better make up a invisible friend if there lonely cause they aint gettin my attention :-)
Being healthy is like a strong shield of armor :-)
Im going to feed my body and go lift in hopes that I can become strong enough to break abuse with jehovahs help :-)
Investing in jehovah god yields uncountable healthy results :-)
Theres abusive patterns to be broken :-)
Sooooo im trying my hardest to not let abusive individuals bring me down :-)
If I were to trust in myself and not Jehovah my service would simply be to satan the devil :-)
Good morning friends :-)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Good night friends :-)
My new goal is to invest in Jehovah god :-)
My new goal is to invest in Jehovah god :-)
I love the beauty but I ooooh so hate the abuse :-)
Soon I shall take my place before JEHOVAH GOD :-)
Soon I shall take my place before JEHOVAH GOD :-)
Let the BREAKIN OF ABUSE begin :-)
Everybody say KOOL-AID :-)
The days of myspace FUN are long gone :-) welcome to the age of facebook boredom :-) yawnnn :-)
Its a waste of time running after someone trying to get them to like you :-) BE YOURSELF unless your abusive then read the BIBLE :-)
I love you :-)
Maybe theyll remember me like they do ANNE FRANK :-) I can hear it now...That loud mouth black man sure had a mouth on him :-)
Dont get conned by abusive spineless individuals :-) There hoping you fall for there bogus bait :-)
People dont care about eachother they just pretend to in hopes theyll gain something from them :-)
I hate the holidays @ it gives people a reason to be abusive :-)
Gross I know :-)
There are those who throw there garbage where ever it lands and where it lands is the garbage can :-)
Im the type of person to get things done while I have health insurance :-) colonoscopy here I come :-)
Im the type of person to get things done while I have health insurance :-) colonoscopy here I come :-)
Taking care of yourself proves to others that you LOVE YOURSELF :-)
Taking care of yourself proves to others that you LOVE YOURSELF :-)
So with that being said lets get back to the BREAKIN OF ABUSE :-)
It proves theyve never had someone love them by there actions of you being a fool for doing it :-)
Show you love yourself by cutting abusive people loose :-)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I have 2 options :-) option is I can stick to jehovah who truly loves me or option 2 leave him to suffer @ the hands of another :-) ill stick with opti
College kids are full of ideas sprinkled with love :-)
I treat you sooo good because I want to be treated the same way :-)
But I truly do love you and want to see you smile :-) cheese :-)
I wanna hug the sadness out of you :-)
Id rather fish with the lure of love :-)
I love your unbreakable backbone :-)
Im not trying to point the finger im just speaking on what I see :-)
The funny thing about abusive people is they think by turning there back on me ill be hurt :-) I break it by doing the same thing :-)
Watching abusive people closely will reveal that there minds are swimming in mud :-)
If someone tries to stab me in the back I kindly take a step back as I put them on my "forget them and leave them list"
There are those whos mind is only concerned with what others can give them :-) sad to say there personal life is a miserable one :-)
In there mind there normal givin the fact there abusive ways cause themselves and other pain:-) huh :-)
You can stop the school bully in there tracks by STANDING FIRM :-)
By helping you to avoid abusive people im seen as an enemy to the wicked :-) bring it on!!!
They hide the monster inside with a friendly smile and bright eyes :-) be careful :-)
When people cant bully you they attack those you love :-)
Good morning friends :-)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Good night friends :-)
I love you sooooo much :-)
It doesnt bother me that people try to abuse me mentally I can take it :-) what saddens me is that someones doing the same exact thing to them :-)
Some people are so abused there battered mind view love as weakness and abuse as strength :-)
I love telling people I love them :-) it thaws out there unloved heart :-)
Theres no way around it if you dont take sides with JEHOVAH GOD your life will end forever :-)
Whats sad is that people only see the outward appearance ignoring a individuals loving or abusive personality :-)
ous web :-)
There plan was to trap you in the same web of abuse that there abusers control them with :-) im glad you escaped before you were caught in your own desir
Soooo there smile will sooon turn to crooked glares as they take your loving kindness for weakness :-)
I think they still love you it was probably just a bad day or....or your seeing there true colors coming out :-) hmmmm....
Your best friends will soon become your worst enemies when you find happiness :-)
These haters cant touch me :-)
I get rejected on daily basis but at least I put myself out there to be judged by these immoral imperfect society alienated from JEHOVAH GOD :-)
Look im telling you if they truly loved you theyd show it :-) if they dont love you leave em to drag someone else down :-)
BREAK!!! :-)
If you need me ill be flipping a quarter to see which pattern of abuse to break next :-)
Love is a healthy personality trait :-) embrace it and share it :-)
Is what I say valuable? Ill let a new generation decide :-)
All im trying to say is that I love you :-) nothing more, nothing less :-)
Its heart breaking to lose the affection of another but even more so to have to buy it :-)
Its heart breaking to lose the affection of another but even more so to have to buy it :-)
To the women who want me to fight to the death for there affection ill kindly step back and tell the other guy shes all yours :-)
When you treat people kindly they go out of there way to say hello :-)
I tell people I love them all the time and many people just laugh @ me :-) but for those who love hearing the words I love you its music to there ears :-)
Ill tell you now if you think people should kiss you behind and worship you then you need to be alone :-)
Jehovah gods a BOSS :-)
Lawyers arent miracle workers they just want your money :-)
There game plan is you cant do it on your own so why try....controling people I tell ya :-)
If u lose my social security appeal @ the appeals council level ill simply file in united states district court :-) here goes nothing :-)
Muscles are helpful :-)
Make the truth of JEHOVAH GOD your own :-)
Stand firm like JEHOVAH GOD SAYS :-)
rity of people simply give up :-)
The court administrator told me thats it rare for an individual to file suit against the commissioner of human services :-) that just proves that a majo
Welcome to PERSONALITY :-)
All the way to another galaxy :-) Tootles :-)
So hopefully if the economy fully heals callen bowe investments takes off like a rocket :-)
Im trying to leave a good impression in a recession :-)
Ive traveled down the road of abuse and I must say im not going back :-)
Im not saying im gonna win my appeal but im sure going to try :-)
May the appeal begin :-)
Let me have your fruit loops and youve got yourself a new SECURITY team :-)
Watch out for the school bully :-)
Fruit loops, cinnamon roll, and orange juice sounds good :-) sounds like your school breakfast :-)
Sooooooo what did you have for breakfast? :-)
Im just saying :-)
When you take a good look youll see your not missing out on anything :-) your simply avoiding the pattern of abuse :-)
Please pardon me like Incubus sang :-)
After this commercial BREAK :-)
LETS GET BACK to the breakin of abuse :-)
Good morning friends :-) be safe as the roads are icy :-)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Good night Friends :-) I LOVE YOU :-)
Are you simply staying alive? Me 2 :-)
If your an employer who treats job seekers like dirt who should bow @ your feet theyll remember it for better or for worse :-)
Shout out to them BURNSVILLE MN POLICE DEPARTMENT boys and girls in blue :-) I LOVE YOU :-)
Laws favor the wealthy :-) Allow Jehovah god to be your attorney and watch the fireworks fly :-)
Theyll try to pull you down in hopes your life will be ruined just like them :-) TAKE A STEP BACK :-)
You dont need to prove to people your working hard if they open there eyes theyll see :-)
Now lets get back to the BREAKIN OF ABUSE :-)
Boon dizzle baby!!! :-)
My best advice to you is to draw the line while you throw there garbage back @ them :-)
Cleaning up after people can be a waste of time when there waiting to throw more garbage on you :-)
The more you trust in JEHOVAH GOD the more powerful you become :-)
Do you feel better? :)
There are those who simply want to hear you say I LOVE YOU :-)
No one can take you away from JEHOVAH but yourself :-)
Dont let them bully you with unhealthy scents released by there unhealthy bodies :-)
Scrub a dub dub im all clean from the tub :-)
I enjoy teaching how to break abusive patterns :-)
And to make up for my big mouth thats a lot of muscle :-)
I try to let my muscles do the talking :-)
So with that being said lets get back to the BREAKIN OF ABUSE :-)
Actions speak louder than words and lazyness is worse then death :-)
Yet there are those who get mad at another who holds there nose do to smell of death that comes off them :-) And can you blame them? :)
So ill continue to take care of myself to the best of my abilities in hopes ill inspire another to do the same :-)
There are those who are so lazy they refuse to take a shower, brush there teeth or take a shower :-) sad aint it? :-)
Theres a huge difference between you cant and your lazy :-) So which one are you? :-)
If you do everything for them theyll simply take advantage of you :-) draw the line :-)
Good morning friends :-)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I love you :-)
Its a compliment for people to think your on steroids when your not :-)
Gettin buff!!!! :)
My credit is close to maxed out but my bills are payed and I have a roof over my head :-) Ima boss :-)
Only shallow selfish people are attracted to abusive people :-)
Ahhhhh freedom from abuse :-) how nice it feels :-)
And I learned that from people who were once young and hot who are not well old and wrinkly :-)
I let shallow people remain as they are as soon people will simply view them as old and wrinkly :-)
Most people who move to minnesnowta leave as quickly as they got here do to the heartless fake back stabbing people who call themselves friends :-)
The problen is theyll string you along just so they can tell themselves some one wants them :-) Cut em loose :-)
Bullys are WEAK :) I said it and ill say it again...BULLIES ARE WEAK :)
Its tough to be labled a BULLY and actually have real friends :-)
I delete numbers and photos of people who treat me abusively :-)
Your best option is to let time pass and start over with a CLEAN SLATE:-)
Many abusive people hide who they truly are in hopes theyll hurt you by catching you off guard :-)
If your work is more important than your relationship its doomed to fail :-)
I give people the 3 strike rule when it comes to calling :-) im not gonna be someones PLAN B :-)
People who string you along are simply being abusive :-)
Good morning friends :-)
Good morning friends :-)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Given the fact that marketing companies beat the confidence out of women through deceptive ads I undetstand why so many are INSECURE :-)
I mostly stay in the house besides serving JEHOVAH and working out :-) I hate dealing with abusive people so I avoid them :-)
Netflix keeps me out of trouble :-)
I wanna be awesome like astro boy!!!
Lawmakers create new words so that every day people cant understand what there doing :-) scandalous :-)
Youll get use to rejection :-)
In the mind of one who doesnt widen out every new face is simply terrifying :-)
Welcome to an 8 bit pattern of communication :-)
The internet is a open road to those who are trying to escape the closed minds of many :-)
Like a majority of people do :-)
In the end at least you didnt roll over :)
So to those who want to give up Please keep going :-)
I shall file my appeal to keep the benefits I so dearly need :-)
When people who refuse me employment come back later to offer me employment I simply tell them NO THANK YOU as they walk away with a shocked face :-)
I do enjoy calling out abusive people for well being abusive :-)
Any pattern of communication that only allows a certain color is abusive :-)
Most employers have a perfect equation for looks when it comes to employees are sadly your not it :-) Shallow I tell you shallow :-)
Im on gonna keep going back to the same place looking for a job :-)
Gettin Buff!!! :)
Obamas so tough youd swear hes taking creatine :-)
It feels good to be loved :-) .....I LOVE YOU :-)
There was a time when my mental illness pushed people away :-) now my goal is to lure you in with loving kindness :-)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Its better to use sugar than be abusive to others :-)
BREAK!!!! :-)
our unloving ways :)
Please dont take my kindness for weakness as I see through your abusive pattern :-) I hope you enjoy your own company because thats all youll get with y
But hey all that matters to me is if you seek help and accept it :-)
A bipolar person in a sense throws a grenade every 5 seconds and every 2 seconds forgets what happened :-)
I strive to keep my mental illness under control so I can help others and not harm them :-)
Some people have such a serious mental illness youd swear they were satan themselves :-) BE CAREFUL :-)
When she feels insecure I build her confidence with LOVE :-)
Makeup companies push imperfect people to perfect themselves which is impossible without jehovahs doing :-)
Silence is not attractive when it comes to courting :-) its down right rude :-)
Give her the attention she seeks and your golden :-)
I speak to build up as there is ALWAYS someone listening :-)
When your not informed you can make some of the worst decisions :-)
I try to pay my bills on time so I dont get trapped by predatory lenders :-)
d do still deny you even if youve paid off your account :-)
So theyll tell you to pay off your unpaid accounts but when you do it adds another 5 years on and doesnt exclude you from check systems :-) banks can an
11 months left and im check systems free :-) ill just save my money and continue to rebuild my credit while I wait :-)
Im competing against people with perfect credit :-) oh well let the battle begin :-)
Like I said before coming up in check systems can make life hard :-) im gonna wait it out and save the money as the state law erases my past mistakes :-)
Lets get back to the breakin of abuse :-)
Good morning friends :-)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Now maybe theyll send me a free one :-)
Nintendo out did themselves with the WII U :-)
Yall do a commercial or something im going to play WII U!!!!! Peace!!!!
Mtv true life: Im bored :-)
Huh :-)
Even people with excellent credit are being denied in large numbers by greedy money hungary corporations who ALWAYS want more :-)
When they ask me if I know what they mean I say "no what do you mean?" :-)
The worst they can say is no :-)
A healthy smile is priceless :-)
Its shallow to crop someone out of the picture :-)
Dont hate congratulate :-)
Who knew a rebound booty call could be sooooo dangerous? :-)
A simple not interested is all you need to say :-)
Its time to piss off another social worker :-) there suppose to help you not ignore you :-)
Jehovah god is my attorney :-)
Know your rights before you simply give up :-)

Monday, December 3, 2012

I have my appeal ready for district court, get my deposit back from tmobile this february, and I have shiny teeth :-) IM A BOSS :-)

Thats messed up :)

 That there so jealous of you they can't stop talking about you lol!