Friday, April 27, 2012

I brushed my teeth, rinsed with mint listerine, vaccumed the floor and watered the plants :-) now lets play :-)
Disrespect isnt attractive to a loving individual :-)
Ericka christensen is puuuuuuuurdy :-)
Rain rain go away :-)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Now get out of the way its game time :-) Booyaa! :-)
She doesnt have a bf but since your to scared to ask ill make my move :-)
Its my choice so ill tell you that I love you :-)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Are you falling in love? :-)
As my attention is toward jehovah god :-)
Now please leave :-)
Like barack obama youll need a warrant before I show my legal documents :-)
As abusive people will try to write there own laws repealing the judges decision :-)
If the judge rules in your favor you have to fight tooth and nail to uphold the judges decision :-)
Recess! :-)
Boon dizzle baby :-)
I love you :-)
The early bird gets the worm :-)
Dont show abusive people your legal documents as theyll try to use it against you :-)
A loving thank you is all they want :-)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hears a pair of boots so you can walk through the muddy puddle of abusive people :-)
If I were john edwards I would be stressed to :-)
It feels good to get help be if its mental or physical :-)
I love uuuuuuuuuu :-)
They cant handle the fact that jehovah protects you through his son christ jesus :-)
Whats your favorite color? :-)
Ill give you a copy if you do :-)
Can I borrow your number 2 pencil so I can draw a map? :-)
So here we are at another fork in the road :-)
I was like "wow" :-)
My asian.buddy told me if he didnt ace.his test.his dad would beat him with a rice cooker :-)
Will you break abuse with me? Circle yes or no :-)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

And thankfully she knows it:-)
Her personality is why I love her soooo much :-)
What ever I aint picky send her my way :-)
Or maybe shes cross eyed :-)
Maybe she has a lazy eye :-)
You keep saying she doesnt date bodybuilders but why does she keep staring at me? :-)
Your lazy ways will continue to push people away :-)
I love you :-)
Im dreaming of you smiling :-)
Often I have to take a step back and think before I respond to abusive people :-) all they want is attention and they wont get it from me :-)
Say yes to love :-)
Good morning :-)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ill pray to jehovah on your behalf :-)
Are you homeless? :-)
So be nice :-)
Love makes you highly attractive :-)
And leave the abuse behind :-)
If your landlord refuses to take responsibility find a new landlord :-)
There is help available from jehovah if you want it :-)
Are you going through signs of withdrawl? :-)
Even if the judge denies my claim at least I tried :-)
But whats the point of getting angry jehovahs great day is close at hand :-)
What irritates me more than a thief is one who is spinless to admit they stole it :-)
You have cooootieeessss :-)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I love you :-)
The school bully is jealous of you :-)
Would you like to sit with me? :-)
Soon I shall take my place before jehovah :-)
Mmmmmm cheese :-)
Maybe a double fudge chocolate cake will cure your blues :-)
Would you like me to bake you a cake? :-)
Love is the perfect feeling :-)
So treat them with deep respect :-)
Beautiful women come in all shapes, sizes, and skin tone :-)
What about the white community? They need help to :-)
Circle yes or no :-)
Will you be my girlfriend? :-)
Rain rain go away :-)
Ill walk you to class if you like :-)
Would you like a hug? :-)
I love your smile :-)
You can sit with me if you like :-)
Hows it going? :-)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dont let anyone take you from jehovahs perfect love :-)
Soon I shall take my place before jehovah :-)
Mankind doesnt take care of me jehovah god does :-)
Would you like to walk as a child of light? :-)
I love seeing her in the weightroom :-)
Its good to keep your home clean :-)
I look forward to restarting,my full time work to jehovah at 12 noon today :-)
Jehovah sharpens my skills when it comes to avoiding abusive people and situations :-)
Its good for your body to eat healthy :-)
Smelling healthy is highly attractive :-)
If not allow me to do so :-)
Did you water the plants? :-)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Vroom vroom love is faster then the speed of light :-)
My new roomate reads stephen king books so if you see a bed floating in mid air you know the cause :-)
And her smile puts colgate toothpaste to shame :-)
Shes sooooooo sweet like mike n ikes :-)
But cheer when I hear the names jesus christ and jehovah god :-)
I cringe when I hear the,name dick cheney and george bush
Are you the new student teacher? :-)
I run from abusive people :-)
And ill say this when your broke bills come from every direction :-)
Trying to pay your bills is a fulltime job :-)
I love you :-)
Dont do it its not worth it :-)
Your nuts if you think im going to pay 846 dolla??zD-.?nth to live with drug addicts and alcoholics :-)
Try your best to remain positive :-)
Good morning :-)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Even if you fail at least you tried :-)
Love and abuse dont mix :-)
Play to the beat of love :-)
Until jehovah appoints me a new role ill shall gladly continue on the path he has created for me which is a rollercoaster of fun :-)
Let me give you a hint being abusive isnt attractive to a loving individual :-)
And believe it or not I get bullied on a daily basis from people I dont even know :-)
People who bully you are simply scared of you :-)
Jehovah god is the perfect wingman :-)
I highly advise you to follow the directions on the label :-)
Mmmmm sunshine :-)
Cleaning up after yourself is a healthy sign of maturity :-)
So say hello :-)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Youll get no where by not talking to her :-)
Right on :-)
Nice mustache brother :)
And strippers are allergic to the bible :-)
Im allergic to strip clubs :-)
Oh man! :-)
Are you a victim of a late night booty call? :-)
I to agree the republican party ( democratic and independent as well) hate barack hussein obama because hes black and smart :-)
Yummmmmm :-)
The judge had her chance ill eat the peanut butter cookies myself :-)
And im making noise to his loving beat :-)
Jehovah is the leader of the cool kids :-)
Ooo eeee aaaaaaa aaaa :-) translation? I love you :-)
If I send the judge a plate of cookies will she send me a favorable decision? :-)
The burnsville MN police department would have arrested george zimmerman the same night he killed trayvon martin :-)
Only if I could afford a etch a sketch I would draw you a smiley face :-)
And tickle me elmo :-)
As for me ill hide behind my library book :-)
I hope you brought good running shoes :-)
Be carefull if the cops drinkin youll violate your probation :-)
Turn it up its atmosphere :-)
Now press continue :-)
Press start :-)
Why do you run from love? :-)
Curfew? :-)
A simple smile breaks the barrier of fear :-)
Be a man and tell her you love her :-)
Who will treat her like a princess and even give her a kingdom filled with love :-)
Jehovah god
But dont worry shes with someone who truly loves her for who she is :-)
You didnt want her when you had the chance now that shes gone you want her:-)
Plants will help clean the air keeping you free from many germs that make you sick :-)
Shes so beautifull :-)
Dont let abusive people use you to there advantage :-)
I think she knows that:-) I love her :-)
Now lets eat :-)
How about a round of applause for the glee cast? :-)
I love you :-)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My time before jehovah was perfect in knowledge :-)
And soon I shall take my place before jehovah :-)
The best way to keep the party going is by serving jehovah who is a happy god :-)
Someone who ignores you when you say hello wouldnt be a good friend :-)
I love you :-)
Natural growth of the human body is healthy :-)
Trusting in mankind is like a bad relationship that never ends :-)
Did you take your multi vitamin today? :-)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

And with tears of joy for his endless love :-)
The power of my loving god jehovah leaves me speechless :-)
Soon I shall take my place before jehovah to give thanks for his ransom of his son jesus christ :-)
If I sing to her will erika christensen be my girlfriend? :-)
Did they say your name over the school intercom? :-)
If you need me ill be breakin abuse in gym class :-)
Good morning :-)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

When you listen to hallelujah your listening to praises to jehovah god :-)
Who knew king david was so popular?
A pattern of love is perfect :-)
Maybe zoe saldana will workout will me if I fly faster then the speed of light :-)
I love you :-)
Like the midas commercial says when you treat people right word gets around :-)
Or be as inspiring as kurt russel :-)
Maybe one day ill sing as good as the glee cast :-)
Or youll be a lonely person :-)
You shouldnt be stingy like ginuwine :-)
Are you stuck in the friend zone like biz markies just a friend? :-)
Love is on there mind so strike when the irons hot
Please put your crayons away when your done :-)
Like the rascal flatts said life is a highway :-)
Vanity is a waste of time :-)
Even jim carrey and jeff daniels of dumb and dumber 3 would have held on to her :-)
You had your chance and you blew it with her so step aside :-)
Lets get this party started :-)
Will you join me next time? :-)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My time before jehovah god was a rollercoaster of love :-)
And with that being said soon I shall take my place before jehovah :-)
But thats besides the point :-) jehovah has all the answers :-)
I hear the twin cities calling my name :-)
We should be nice to everyone :-)
Im not a meat head im just a black man that happens to have large muscles :-)
No grown man or woman in the right mind wants to take care of a lazy do nothing adult :-)
When the sunshines bright its a party all across the world :-)
4 weeks off from the gym equals bigger and stronger muscles :-)
Lets connect the dots of love :-)
I love youuuuuuu :-)
Its not healthy to abuse someone just because they dont like you :-)
Water is good for your muscles so drink up :-)
Weightroom! :-)
Dont worry we love you :-)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

No offense but I dont date abusive women :-)
can I win a kids choice award for my anti bully campaign? :-)
natural growth of the human body is healthy :-)
like the man said in the starburst morph commercial all he knows is the streets while he lives in the suburbs :-)
I love you :-)
enough of the games lets get back to the breakin :-)
when confronted by bullies I remain silent so I don't give them the attention they want :-)
these celebritys make me laugh....they care only if it fills there pockets :-)
so then they become verbally abusive...from a distance of course :-)
the reason I work out is so bullies leave me alone :-)
how many women do you know would calmly ask another woman if there dating there husband? :-)
try to keep your cool when the school bully confronts you in the hall :-)
a teens suicide attempt could be a silent cry for help :-)
to the school bully we have one answer for you....STOP! :-)
give your parents all they want ....a hug ,I love you and thank you:-)
and an open mind is what I shall continue to search for :-)
and isolation is what I shall move away from :-)
its better to search until you find what your looking for :-)
its not healthy to try and change another to your liking :-)
I would much rather make a sad person smile then make them cry :-)
I do enjoy building my body with healthy knowledge :-)
soon I shall take my place before Jehovah :-)
mmmmm yogurt :-)

Are you looking for love?

 Join the party lol!