Tuesday, July 31, 2012

a round of applause for my boy ALLEN FINK :-)
i do this because I LOVE YOU :-)
watch me get my MICHAEL PHELPS ON :-)
its good to laugh :-)
its good to sweat :-) it attracts others from the scent it gives off :-)
soon i shall take my place before JEHOVAH GOD :-)
youll be surprised how many people want to change there body image :-)
people dont have the money to go on interview after interview so either hire them or move on :-)
i look forward to my new journey and will share it with you like it or not :-)
instead of one of the roomates got stabbed over a drug deal gone bad so theres an open bed :-)
see i like to hear someone is getting married so theres an open bed :-)
tell her she looks AMAZING :-)
my last breathe will be praising JEHOVAH GOD :-)
a simple APOLOGY goes a long way :-)
oooh child things are only gonna get WORSE :-)
i grew up in the CLINTON ERA where food stamps and jobs were plentifull :-)
i love to see you SMILE :-)
back in the day i use to PROTECT people from the school bully :-)
but im sure you already knew that :-)
i love you :-)
funny how they change there tune when you call there bluff :-)
break school BULLYING :-)
increase your testosterone levels by eating tuna :-)
i hate eating to gain MUSCLE but i love the results :-)
it looks like its time for another APPEAL :-)
i cant stop BREAKIN ABUSE :-)

Monday, July 30, 2012

i made it to the NORTH,although i was born in FARGO, ND :-)
did you make to the SOUTH? :-)
sexual freedom? heres a free STD kit :-)
listen to my DEMO :-)
tick tock tick tock tick tock :-)
while i listen to PRINCES PURPLE RAIN :-)
watch me get my U HAUL on :-)
your soooooo BEAUTIFUL :-)
and the breakin goes on,:-)
my goal is to help you SMILE :-)
i think they need a map :-)
BILLIONS of people are lost...
weight room :-)
its good to go to the doctor when your sick :-)
when you finally leave an abusive relationship youll look back and wonder why :-)
when your abused it can and does make you sick :-)

Friday, July 27, 2012

its good to say I LOVE YOU :-)
all theyll try to do is use whatever information you tell them to try and make you FAIL :-)
its good to say I LOVE YOU :-)
seeing her SMILE makes my day :-)
so here i am at another fork in the ROAD :-)
i dont know where im going but im EXCITED :-)
sad how peoples life are in ruin do to there own inactions :-)
so here i am at another fork in the ROAD :-)
being mean to people will only lead to a LONELY LIFE :-)
keep it MOVING :-)
hugs are good :-)
love is free
its a beautifull feeling to leave ABUSIVE SITUATIONS and never look back :-)
i cant leave them without KNOWLEDGE :-)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

sad how peoples life are in ruin do to there own inactions :-)
im warning my KIND roomates of the UNHEALTHY conditions theyll face once im GONE :-)
im so happy im CRYING :-)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

i sure love my brother ALLEN FINK :-)
i REMEMBER sleeping in my car in the middle of winter :-) i had to start the car every half hour to stay warm :-)
my battle isnt with my roomates, its with SATAN AND HIS DEMONS for taking sides with JEHOVAH GOD, JESUS CHRIST AND THE HEAVENLY ANGELS :-)
im just saying :-)
iday inn is :-)
where ever the wind blows ill go except the SOUTH :-) i knowing me ill walk in on the middle of a KU KLUX KLAN MEETING and ask them where the closest hol
what you TYPE will be how people view you :-)
im still fighting for social security :-) if i lose again i can SUE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT which i plan to do :-)
its been a long day but I LOVE YOU :-)
without JEHOVAH GOD your a sitting duck :-)
sad aint it? :-)
one of my roomates who was going back to school had his paperwork stolen by another roomate who wants him to fail :-)
there are people in the world who will try to stop you from being happy :-)
12th grade i was ready to BREAK :-)
11th grade i made my permanent mark in the BURNSVILLE SENIOR HIGHSCHOOL WEIGHTROOM :-)
10th grade i flew to BURNSVILLE SENIOR HIGHSCHOOL by the wave of love :-)
9th grade i made my mark in the HIGHSCHOOL WEIGHTROOM AND LIFETIMW FITNESS :-)
8th i was ready to be a FRESHMEN like THE VERVE PIPE SANG :-)
7th grade i rode the wave to central middle school :-)
6th grade filled me with friends and a beautifull STAR :-)
5th grade was a new life in the suburbs Eden Prairie :-)
4th grade brought more bullies from other schools :-)
3rd grade me perfecting my craft :-)
2nd grade had me facing bullies for the first time :-)
it started in 1st grade :-) i found my voice which was laughter :-)
lets go back to how i became....ME :-)
one at a time i can only throw so many pillars at ONCE :-)
with the weight of moving off my shoulders my roomates seem to have become cowards :-) is it because my strength is returning? :-)
Weight room!!! :-)
testosterone levels rising :-) phase two starts in
the life of a abuser is a LONELY one :-)
heres comes another mental battle :-) IM READY :-)
i can see the hatred in my roomates eyes when i STRUT my chocolate muscles past him :-)
i wouldnt be able to tell the difference between monkey poopoo and a hersheys candy bar if aint wasnt for JEHOVAH :-)
when you take care of your plants youll smell there sweet nectar fill the room :-)
in the mean time im going to trim my plants :-) lalala :-)
ill let JEHOVAH be my realtor :-)
when moving get use to the words YOU CANT STAY HERE :-)
it feels good to pack :-)
i hope the best for those who have done me wrong :-) may JEHOVAH help them :-)
all i can do now is look FORWARD :-)
its been a long journey but JEHOVAH has finally said thats enough :-)
heres some homeade chicken soup :-) say ahhhh :-)
cough cough how do you feel? :-)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

i havent told you today but i LOVE YOU :-)
as much as my roomates tormented me i FORGIVE THEM and am moving on :-)
im so close to freedom i can taste it :-)
but i must say jehovah answered my prayers :-)
i dont know where im going but i talked to the landlord and im moving august 31st :-) good bye drug abusers :-)

Monday, July 23, 2012

im sooooooo tired of abusive people but i have to keep fighting or theyll win :-)
i could go for some weight lifting to relieve my anger :-) but the dr said i have to take it easy for 2 weeks :-)
if i beat them up then i get thrown in jail :-) so my only option is to rely on jehovah :-)
2 police officers later and im still stuck with these drug dealing roomates :-) ahhhhh
what a fool to think he could hang out with a meth and heroin fiend and not get hooked :-)
my bipolar roomate smells like sweat, drugs, and foolishness :-)
it feels good to recover :-)
they want you to give up and sadly many people do :-)
a loving person will lead you to water :-)
i tell my story for those who are oppressed like myself :-)
but whats the point if people are quick to give advice but not apply it themselves its useless :-)
if your landlord wont do anything about your roomates stealing your belongings call the police :-) sooner or later theyll get shut down :-)
im warning you saying hello to and abusive person will only unleash problems :-) be wise and keep silent :-)
when i regain my strength ill move my brother shawns house to the most beautiful plane in the world :-)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

hears a word of advice if you need help from another dont waste your money on things you cant afford :-)
if you have to lock your belongins up when your company arrives you should probably find new company :-)
im back over and out :-)
im making a run to cub foods west for some ice cream. if i dont post ive returned in a half hour put my face on a milk carton, preferably strawberry :-)
but hey the landlord doesnt care all they want is the states money and dont care who they hurt to get it :-)
and they wonder why people run from them when they see them :-)
i have to plan smart when im shopping so i can lock up my food :-) if i dont my meth head drug abusing heroin shooting roomates will try to steal it :-)
id rather do as much when i can so when i cant i wont be a hyprocrite for holding my hand out :-)
im slowly getting my appetite back :-) i could go for some banana split icecream and fruit snacks with some chocolate :-)
a warm crisp blanket fresh out the dryer feels good when your sick :-)
im thankfull to jehovah god who provides me with loving brothers and sisters who care for me when im sick :-)
its good to have jehovah take care of you when your sick or healthy :-)
ill tell you this you should think twice before commiting yourself to an abusive relationship :-)
its good to sleep on a clean bed when your sick :-)
even though im sick my strength comes from JEHOVAH :-)
i highly advise you to run from abusive people :-) there only goal is to leave your life in shambles just like there own :-)
i dont remain in the presence of abusive people :-)
they lie so much you could.catch them in the act and theyd say it wasnt them :-)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

if james holmes wants any kind of chance hed be wise to get rid of his public defender james o connor :-)
they walk around and around in a abusive circle and then blame the person there following :-)
i cant stop thinking about THE DARK KNIGHT RISES! they even had a trailer for the new superman movie called MAN OF STEELE :-)
lalalala its just me and my imagination :-)
slowly regaining my strength makes the bullies start stepping back :-)
i feel like bruce wayne after ban broke his back :-) im determined to get better :-) sniff sniff hot cocoa please :-)
im out of commision for two weeks as i have a stomach infection :-) please forward my messages to ALFRED :-)
im soo excited i wanna run around like bruce wayne! :-)
get your broke behind in line and check it out! its FANATASTIC! :-)

Friday, July 20, 2012

to the person reading this who feels god doesnt care, he does care deeply for you and his name is JEHOVAH :-)
if i relapsed into being abusive and mentally ill id hope youd avoid me :-)
a little MUSCLE never hurt anybody :-)
just incase why not have the BURNSVILLE MN POLICE escort you to the THE DARK KNIGHT RISES? :-)
i refuse to live fear of satan and his angels :-) besides JEHOVAH GOD AND JESUS CHRIST HAVE MY BACK :-)
if he/she turns there back to you when you approach them move on :-)
i love you :-)
another blockbuster movie another shooting...youll be surprised how much publicity the dark knight rises will get :-)
i truly admire your willingness to care for your health mentally and physically :-)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

break me off a little something something :-)
who knew PRINCE would be so influential? :-)
ahhhhh a nice cool breeze is what ill be dreaming of besides a paycheck :)
now im not trying to hate bipolar people..just those who dont take there meds :-)
lets test your reaction skills :-) bipol...dang your FAST :-)
if i look in my bipolar roomates eyes his mood will change 6 times before he says hello :-)
thfull angels :)
if you took all the armies in the world along with satan and his demons you still wouldnt stand a chance against JEHOVAH GOD and his heavenly army of fai
hit me up when you wanna break abuse :-) get it break? abuse? :)
they should be buying therapy sessions instead :-)
the new music today is abusive and degrading and yet oddly enough people buy it :-)
why not play a little R&B for my friends at the burnsville mn police department? :-)
but hey im just saying :-)
reading through my personal training guide i already notice a problem :-) there over training :-)
her voice sounds like rushing water on a warm summer day :-)
i do like the beautifull patterns on her nails :-)
hey they did it themselves :-)
every advance of there abusive communication you should try your best to ignore :-)
theyll tell you every lie in the book besides the truth of the matter why people avoid there abusive ways :-)
when i tell her i love her much her whole body lights up :-)
youve come so far dont throw it away :-)
glutamine will make your muscles big and strong :-)
a healthy smile breaks the barrier of fear :-)
her amazing personality is why i love her so much :-)
i love you but im sure you knew that :-)
as well as study :-)
its good to teach people :-)
roger that over and out :-)
break abuse down :-)
and hugs are healthy :-)
love is a healthy feeling :-)
i wonder what theyll make popular...:-)
its a new generation of teens :-)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

ill leave the night light on so you dont get lost while you dream :-)
the new black panthers huh? ill help you burn down there building but only if you ask nicely :-)
she moves so gracefully :-)
are you trying to break free from commercial music? :-)
ill send the bill to the new generation space station :-)
if there employed by the burnsville mn police department give em the meal on the house :-) put it on my tab :-)
ive been dreaming of this moment since i was a kid :-) now that im a bodybuilder i just sit back and smile :-)
heres to LOVE :-)
i avoid looking in the eyes of an abusive person :-) there gaze is more deadly then medusa :-)
the internet allows your mind to travel when your body cant :-)
with that being said lets get back to the breakin :-)
the stronger you become the more theyll attack you :-)
tell it like it is and dont sugar coat it :-)
i do enjoy implementing jehovahs perfect laws :-)
its good to smile :-)
i love the smell of incense :-)
but hey its satans world..but not for much longer :-)
its sad when you try to get help and those who are suppose to help turn you away :-)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

dont let there tears break you stand firm :-)
break! :-)
only a fool would think being abusive would attract people :-)
even jehovah god doesnt trust politicians because they LIE LIE and LIE some more :-)
mmmmmm scooby snacks :-)
ive discovered that ignoring lazy good for nothing moochers actually works :-) they look around for another victim for there greed :-)
look all im saying is people will treat you how you treat them :-)
communication goes both ways :-) if they always call you but you never call them there gonna stop calling :-)
abusive people are like a venus fly trap :-) they wait for the innocent to get close enough so they can harm them :-)
check out my outfit :-)
if you think there abusive words are bad you should see how they view themselves in the mirror :-) all they see is lifeless eyes looking back at them :-)
love will warm there cold heart :-)
with that being said lets get back to the breakin :-)
im just speaking from my tired heart :-) the world wasnt suppose to be like this :-)
i wouldnt give them life if i had the powet :-) all they to is destroy anothers :-)
wakey wakey :-)
swearing is so CHILDISH :-)
i love you more then kickball @ RECESS :-)
draw your LINE in the sand and stick to it :-)
ill be damned if im gonna pay for her love :-) these food stamps aint free :-)
i wanna rock with her but i cant cause shes hard to get close to :-) soooo i think its time to move on :-)
i dreamed of the day id be a bodybuilder :-) now that i am one i have to buy some zumba pants :-)
when the clock strikes 8:00 am the school bell rings :-)
now where did i put my weightroom key? :-)
if you think mankind has done a good job ruling come here so i can slap some sense in to you :-)
im halfway done with my personal training kit! for graduation i plan to knock my roomates out with my 735 page study guide :-)
the best party i had was when me and my twin brother collaborated :-) the ratio of women to men was 5 to 1 ! honest! it was the..well you know :-)
people on drugs are about as stable as a puddle of mud :-)
to put it simply take care of yourself and itll rub off on another :-)
does this mean ill sleep until 6pm and wake up asking whats for breakfast? :)
i made more noise using MYSPACE then i ever will with facebook :-)
a new generation of freshmen are ready to learn :-)
if i had an abusive roomate id sleep with both eyes open. if he left the house id have the burnsville police department drop him off at the kingdom hall :-)
jehovah god will help you escape :-)
be carefull a few words can cause them to try and kick it with you when u should remain silent toward drug addicts who dont want to quit :-)
my srub a dub dub shower felt great! i think ill use my bipolar theres nothing wrong with me roomate as a door stop :-)
its looks like the 80s have returned repackaged and sold :-)
id much rather protect you from the school bully then stand by and do nothing which happens to often :-)
which i dont think is possible since im watching AMTV :-)
its 2 am and im dreaming of your laughter :-)
i smell good :-) thanks axe body spray :-)

Monday, July 16, 2012

what i quickly learned is just because your the same race doesnt mean its going to work :-)
i stick time to scrub a dub dub :-)
ahhhhh silence :-)
i will study when there sleeping so that i cant get as far away from them as i can :-)
mmmm yeah so i like totally love you :-)
i keep your picture in my phone so when im feeling blue i can smile :-)
a hug will heal your broken heart :-)
i need a vacation :-) how about you? :-)
you have to choices....give up...or keep going :-)
but hey im just trying to build a better life by being loving :-)
so now they move like a snake trying to decieve another for there own personal gain :-)
they did the same abusive thing to another thats why they cant go over there anymore :-)
nice shirt :-)
let me get my polka on :-)
dont worry well watch your back :-)
let em stay angry there drowning in there own hatred :-)
i love you :-) lo
sniff sniff woof! :-)
who do you love? :-)
the school bully is a coward :-)
keep your cool :-)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

they can sniffle all they want the only thing theyll get from me is silence :-)
its just a matter of time before there abusive ways turn around to destroy them :-)
ima flex on em and theyll be like "ahhhhhhh its a black man ahhhhhh" :-)
so theyll come back from there stroll in drug abuse land only to run from what they see in the mirror :-)
too many words and twitter will tell the wrong story :-)
but there so ignorant jehovah could give them a beautiful gift and theyd try to sell it for meth, heroin, prescription pills, and marijuana :-)
im bout to walk up on them with a gallon of orange juice, chug it, ask if they want some and be like YOU AINT GETTIN NONE! :-)
i love uuuuuuuuu...yeah you reading this :-) heeeee :-)
its the jealousy they have towards you that eats them up inside until there nothing but a empty shell:-)
there abusive ways entangle them with misery as they try to pull you in :-)
ive had it with the coward roomates stealing my food and saying it wasnt them. ill let the state investigate and,hopefully theyll shut this place down :-)
simply put theres nothing you can do to make someone like you it has to be truly from there heart :-)
now that thats settled lets get back to the breakin :-)
tell the burnsville mn police department i love them :-) since theres three of you its one wors a piece :-) can you remember that? :-)
the first time i was told i was black was in kindergarten. the student said "whats wrong with his skin? :)
i love seeing her beautiful eyes at the kingdom hall :-)
sweat and weights go hand in hand :-)
gettin buff! :-)
dont forget we hit the weightroom today :-)
have a glass of orange juice on the house :-)
taking a multi vitamin with your breakfast is like an insurance plan for your muscles :-)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

laguna beach made its mark perfectly :-) it show cased cliques preparing to move on :-) i must say i was hooked :-)
im soooooo IN LOVE WITH YOU :-)
when i was young mcdonalds tasted better than steak. now its worst then getting kicked in the family jewels :-)
i dont know why but i feel safe underneath my blanket at night :-) heeeeee :-)
bill clinton will be playing the saxaphone at president obamas second innagural address on 1-20-2013 :-)
my jug of glutamine is my new teddy bear :-)
well be on the dance floor :-)
heres your hotel room key :-) take a hot shower youll feel better :-)
in the mean time have a hot meal on the house :-)
dont worry youll get back on your feet :-)
watch me get my line dance on :-) hoody hoooo! :-)
the plus of lifting weights for 13 years is that when studying to be a personal trainer most of what you read is simply a review :-)
i aint tripping im breakdancing :-) heeee :-)
mmmmm carmel rice cakes :-)
30 cents is worth the cost to recieve a protective case for my tmobile g2x phone :-)
what boggles there mind is they cant figure out that there abusive ways are destroying a happy life they could be leading :-)
and a healthy diet will help your body,well,grow naturally :-)
natural growth of the human body is normal :-)
i truly do love you :-)
its good to water and mist your plants :-)
when i was in highschool i dated a girl who was bipolar and didnt take her meds,:-) it was a nightmare for the year i dated her :-)
i hit the ground running like a runaway slave when i meet bipolar people who dont take there medicine and you should to :-)
its good to eat healthy :-)
good morning :-)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

i said it :-)
dick cheney cant sleep unless hes controlling another since hes controlled by satan :-)
love never fails :-)
a gallon of ORANGE JUICE IS 1.99 @ cub foods! ill get what they have stocked and be back for more! BOOYAA!
ill even throw in few crayola crayons and some elmers glue! :-)
ill trade you my jolly ranchers for some of your skittles :-)
@ 1201 am all the traffic lights you hit will be green :-)
when she smiles its brighter then daylight :-)
in person :-)
to tell you that i love you :-)
and connecting the dots from MN TO LONDON, TORONTO TO JERUSALEM :-)
while you sleep im perfecting my story :-)
OMG are you like a BODYBUILDER? :)
baaaaaaaaaa :)
will you be my cowgirl? huh huh huh? :-)
natural growth of the human body will hold your natural scent making you more attractive to another :-)
be an adult and show some backbone :-)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

healthy or sick your body releases scent that attract or repel another :-)
if you brush yout teeth before bed your body will better heal itself while you sleep :-)
oohh a message in a bottle :-)
give me a bible with a glass of milk and im good to go :-)
it feels good when someone loves you...I LOVE YOU :-)
vitamins and muscles go hand in hand :-)
are you dreaming of being signed to a major record label? :-)
mmmm whip cream :-)
have you found your identity? :-)
give your parents a hug itll help them to stop crying :-)
if you havent already check out kurt cobain about a son its AWESOME! :-)
i refuse to let one burned bridge destroy the others :-)
sweat and weights go hand in hand :-)
dont let abusive people burn all your bridges :-)
best believe ima rock the weightroom :-)
lets get it :-)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ill do everything in my power to help you smile :-)
thats why im helping you build a bridge back to happiness :-)
what more can i say im in love with you :-)
with a warm hug :-)
have a lollipop on the house :-)
theres always a reason why people stay away from them...always a reason:-)
theyll pluck at your heart strings so youll feel sorry for them and help them :-)
i feel you im tired of being used to :-)
oh well were all imperfect :-)
but it doesnt bother me its just money :-) they lost a loving friend :-)
i got scammed by those who said they love me :-) oh well there loss :-)
and there greed simply broke my heart when i just wanted to help :-)
they took my kindness for weakness but i forgive you. take care :-)
its healthy to have good posture :-)
its good to smile :-)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

i must say a huge grin hits my face when abusive people are left powerless :-)
heres a tip leave abusive people behind :-)
allow me to draw the line for you :-)
you smell purrrdy :-)
i love you :-)
goodbye abusive life hello loving life :-)
jehovah is perfectly healthy :-)
me to :-)
are you tired of being bullied? :-)
but hey what do i know right? :-)
ill tell you now being abusive will simply push others far far away :-)
theyll say itll effect you when in reality itll only effect them :-)
hi. my name is callen. whats your name? :-)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

it feels good to stand up to the school bully doesnt it? :)
until the hall monitors told us to BREak it UP :-)
and it was a talk show during lunch time :-)
i made many friends in middle school so i wouldnt be playing catch up freshman year :-)
i only started lifting so i wouldnt get bullied :-)
the life of a freshman 8/28/2012 presented by callen bowe investments :-)
glutamine will help your muscles grow big and healthy :-)
i love you :-)
if its none of there business keep silent :-)
dr the plant is sedated and will make a full recovery :-)
dr we have a dehydrated plant! operate asap! bring me more water dammit! :-)
dont respond to bullies as they only want attention that there not getting :-)
most bullies try to get tough when they think your out numbered :-)
heads up as theyll try and make you look down in fear :-)
break it down :-)
say it with me now :-) I AM SOMEBODY :-)
beep beep :-)
its 2 o clock in the morning and i just want you to know i love you soooo much :-)

Friday, July 6, 2012

and be like "booyaa!"
all this testosterone makes me want to drill a hole through a tree :-)
sniff sniff WOOF :-)
r u ready for the ho down? i am ive got my overalls and everything :-) heeeeee :-)
now since were all here lets build each other up with love :-)
heeeeeeeeeeeee :)
thats why people with a mental illness dont seek help due to the ignorant words that people view as fact :-)
hows that for a physcotic episode you ignorant fools :-) lalalala :-)
its soo hot the ku klux klan looks cool :-)
warmmmmm! :-)
its to hot for small talk :-)
but hey i respect there decision. it was fun while it lasted :-)
now everyones saying "is he gonna lose it? :)
funny how falling asleep causes judgemental people to think you had a physcotic episode. ignorance i tell you :-)
i dont blame them for being concerned :-)
this heat wave seems to make many people sleepy :-)
i love you :-)
studying to become a personal trainer is heavy :-)
another day another hug :-)
good night and good morning :-)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

and they talk so much about nothing! blah blah blah giggle giggle blah blah blah :-)
kids give me a headache :-)
but my reaction to there over critical ways is "ehhh" :-)
i find it ironic how one brother can scold me on right and wrong only to turn around and do the same thing only worse :-)
party at the burnsville mn police department! bring your own beer :-)
watch me get my laguna beach on with LC:-) :-)
press start :-)
its good to have a plan :-)
glutamine will help your muscles grow big and strong :-)
its a full time job looking for a full time job :-)
mmmmm breakfast :-)
good night and good morning :-)
and the breakin goes on :-)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

awesome im on a milk carton :-)
i had tears my eyes to know that my brothers and sisters care so much for me :-) i love you :-)
its good to call the police over a stray dog as it might try to harm someone :-)
im alive and well :-) i just fell alseep in this 100 degree house :-)
i enjoy standing firm for the abused :-)
stick to your budget :-)
if they stab you in the back dont speak a single word on there behalf :-)
its not good to be in debt :-)
its been so hot all i wanna do is sleep :-)
me love you long time :-)
so kick knowledge :-)
id rather be broke and healthy then rich and sick :-)
pssst...are you awake? :-)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

heres to the homeless :-)
i love you soooo much :-)
just like power rangers had kids drop kicking each other the amazing spider man will have kids climbing on the ceiling :-)
and those who need a bottle and a new diaper :-)
the amazing spider was awesome minus the cocky million dollar degree college kids who cant find a job :-)

Monday, July 2, 2012

let her stay in her abusive relationship but dont let her bring you with her :-)
im gonna give the school bully 3d glasses so he can watch my muscles work him over in the weight room :-)
like john mayer said her body is a wonderland :-)
boom dizzle baby :-)
i advise you to stay out of heat at all costs :-)
what a nap :) 8 hours later and my muscles feel refreshed :-) now wheres the school bully? :-)
now that obama care stands the health industry looks like a gold mine :-)
what it do!? :)
so keep asking :-)
sooner or later youll get use to rejection like me :-)
warm :-)
it doesnt look good to opt out of participating in a anti bullying campaign :-)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

oh hi mr nibbles :-)
im sleepy...what was that!? :)
trying to find investors in this economy is like fishing with out bait :-)
and the breakin goes on :-)
i hate the fact that everything is expensive but ive come to the conclusion to just deal with it :-) i hate being a cheap skate :-)
abusive people will try to decieve you into following there lifeless pattern :-)
are you AWOL from the military? :-)
its not healthy to be in fear of mankind :-)

Thats messed up :)

 That there so jealous of you they can't stop talking about you lol!